The Power of Brand Archetypes in Marketing

Since people could communicate, we have been telling stories. Stories capture our attention, evoke emotion, and connect us.

All stories have characters we can relate to; whether it’s the hero, the villain, or the sidekick, we understand them and what they stand for.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed these characters or archetypes are immediately familiar to us as they are inherent within our subconscious mind.

Carl Jung’s 12 Personality Archetypes

Jung proposed 12 archetypes, each with a key characteristic, such as safety, knowledge, pleasure etc.

Not only are these characteristics easily identifiable and relatable, but they also raise a core desire in us, which plays a role in influencing human behaviour.

And that is exactly why the archetypes are relevant in marketing your brand.

By giving your brand a character, it attributes a sense of humanity and makes it memorable, and relatable to audiences who share the same values.

The key psychological factors underlying brand archetypes inspire businesses to create meaningful, effective and consumer relevant brands.

If Your Brand Was a Person, Who Would It Be?

So now you know the brand archetypes, where does your brand fit?
Is it an inspiring Hero, a carefree Innocent, or a cutting-edge Creator?

Perhaps your brand is a mix of two or three types.

No matter which archetype/s your brand aligns itself with, we can look to brand archetypes as the foundation to build a human-like personality for your brand.

Giving your brand a character attributes a sense of humanity and makes it memorable

To discover more about archetypes and your brand, get in touch for a free review
