Bringing Your Brand Personality to Life

When considering your brand, you’ll probably find it easy to define what it looks like. But what about how it sounds?

The way your brand sounds is just as important as how it looks.

A brand voice is the representation of your overall brand personality, it demonstrates your brands unique perspective, and what it stands for across all channels of communication

The importance of your brand voice

Consumer behaviour studies show that brands that resonate with consumers the most present a distinct personality and memorable content. The key ingredient here is brand voice.

If you’ve ever read an article and known who has written it without seeing the by-line or heard a voice on radio and immediately recognised who it belongs to, this is the power of a unique and consistent brand voice.

Executed correctly, your brand’s voice illustrates your brand even when it’s not accompanied by your logo.

A clear and compelling brand voice creates a brand that stands out from the noise. As it helps consumers connect, relate and remember your brand.

Brand voice example: MailChimp

The email platform, MailChimp successfully executes its brand voice, through informal and conversational communications, with a bit of dry humour. It strikes the perfect balance between casual and professional, showcasing the humanity of the brand.

MailChimp uses fun and colloquial phrases to align itself with its user’s emotions at different stages of an email campaign process.

This genuine voice helps to relate to small businesses and their challenges, speaking to them in a familiar and empathetic way which builds trust and loyalty.

The Mailchimp’s style guide succinctly explains their voice and tone, it’s a great example of a strategic and well executed brand personality brought to life.

A brand voice can inspire your audience to connect, engage in and believe in what you do.

Brand voice is a critical factor for creating consistency across communication channels, regardless of who creates the content. How does your brand stack up?
Get in touch for a FREE brand personality audit
