4 Marketing Psychology Tips to Help Your Business Now!

Fundamentally marketing is about delivering solutions that are of value to a consumer.

However, when we don’t understand our consumers and what they value, we risk inundating them with unrelated marketing communications that they will ignore.

Behavioural marketing is based on a psychological understanding of consumers so you can target them in a laser-like way.

So, the Golden Ticket to a customer’s heart is to know what they want!

Here are 4 great tips to help you understand your customer so you can shape your marketing efforts around them.

1. Apply available data to your marketing strategy

It’s easier than ever for marketers to gather digital analytics and analyse data on consumer behaviour. Make sure your website has analytics tracking and any advertising you do can be measured. The more you know about your consumers and how they interact with your website the better!

2. Understand consumer research

Understand your customer demographics, and interests. By breaking down by factors such as gender, age, and related interests you gain valuable insight into who the audience is and begin to understand their behaviour.

3. Segment your audience

When planning marketing campaigns, it is essential to know who you are targeting. Use your demographic data and consumer research to divide your audience into segments. Prioritise target audiences who have the most interest in your products/services. For example, women aged 20-30 may be your most promising segment. This can then help guide marketing and advertising decisions. 

4. Create a buyer persona

To paint a more complete picture of your consumer create a semi-fictional profile which represents the key traits of a large segment of your audience. Keep this persona in mind when creating any marketing communications as it will help you to make a strong connection with the audience.

Taking the time to understand and leverage consumer behaviour is essential for successful marketing.

Understanding marketing and psychology can help your business hit the sweet spot where you can connect with your audience on human level. 

